Boston Cream Pie

Boston Cream Pie

Our friends know that when they come to our house for dinner, they are going to be guinea pigs. While I love having a bunch of tried-and-true recipes, I am always looking to add to my repertoire. And if I have a weak area, it’s dessert. So when I needed ideas for a recent gathering, Husband suggested I try Boston Cream Pie. Continue Reading →

Rustic Frittata

rustic fritatta

One of life’s great gifts is reconnecting with long-lost friends. Pat is a very funny comedian that I knew “back in the day.” {And by that, I mean I knew him before he wrote for The Tonight Show and Seinfeld – heck, he opened for Jerry last week!} Continue Reading →

Chipotle Mary {Blog “Potluck”}

chipotle mary with text

Welcome to my first-ever blog potluck! Here’s how it works: the uber-talented chef Robin Asbell has invited a couple of blogging friends to post a recipe from her cookbook “Juice It.” We are each posting a different concoction, and giving readers a chance to win a copy of the cookbook. More on that later, but first, let’s talk about the perfect beverage for a Sunday brunch. Continue Reading →

{Throwback Thursday} Fig Newton Recipe

fig newtons

Why, yes, that IS my Chitty Chitty Bang Bang lunch box in the background! This beat-up metal box brings back memories of school lunches that my mom packed for us daily – which were always pretty healthy, and always included a treat. One of my favorites was Fig Newtons. I didn’t even know what a fig WAS growing up, but I loved these cookies {technically “bars”}. I hadn’t had one for years, but I ran across a recipe in a magazine and filed it away in my “To Try” folder. Continue Reading →

Cauliflower “Rice” {and a new love interest!}

cauliflower rice

I am in a new relationship. And I’m giddy. “C” and I have always gotten along – I mean, we’ve been “friends” since about 3rd grade.  But I’ve always seen “C” as kind of one-dimensional… even boring! It’s just recently that my eyes have been opened to how fun and versatile “C” can be… A chameleon, really.  And Husband is totally fine with it. Continue Reading →

12 Things I Always Have in my Freezer {& Chicken Noodle Soup recipe}

homemade chicken noodle soup

A recent weekend found both Husband and me feeling a bit under the weather – coupled with a few of those gray days where the only thing that sounds good is a big blanket, a good book, and the occasional movie. And of course, Chicken Noodle Soup.

One of the many benefits of having a well-stocked – and well-organized, freezer {more on that soon!} is that you can pull together a healthy dinner quickly, without having to rely on pre-packaged foods that most likely aren’t as tasty or good-for-you as you can make yourself. And thanks to a little extra effort most every time I’m in the kitchen, I had everything I needed to make a great tasting soup, without bundling up and dragging myself to the store. Continue Reading →

Red Butterflies with Parmesan

red butterflies on white with text

I won’t make you guess what gives this pasta its gorgeous color. It’s BEETS! And oh-my-word, is this dish delicious. The beets and pasta make the dish hearty, and the lemon juice and mint give it a fresh burst of flavor – perfect for this transitional season when we’re stuck {seemingly forever} between winter and spring. Continue Reading →

“Heavenly” Applesauce Cake

applesauce cake

This recipe was actually published over a year ago, but I’m sharing it again for three reasons:

First, I’ve made it 3 times in the past week – for several families in various types of distress… one of my dearest friend’s dad just passed away, another friend is waiting for a heart transplant, and yet another is waiting on test results from specialists. Whether accompanying a meal or delivered on its own, this cake has been a hit every time. And it’s so easy, I thought you might like it in your repertoire as well. Continue Reading →

Homemade Peanut Butter {Why aren’t you making it?}

homemade peanut butter

I know what you’re thinking… “Oh poor thing… she must have moved to a yurt, quit shaving her legs and started sewing her own undergarments…” Not so – although I did let some time pass after posting directions for making homemade almond milk.

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Chocolate-Cayenne Cocktail Cookies

chocolate cayenne cocktail cookies

OK, first of all, these are not for dessert. So you can’t paint me with the “she claims to eat healthy, but she’s posting all these naughty desserts” brush. Hence the phrase “cocktail cookies.”

I don’t have many home-runs my first time “at bat” with a recipe, but this one was out of the park. Continue Reading →