This is me and my mom. She’s a fantastic cook. I was kind of a late-bloomer in that department, but I’m trying my darndest to catch up!
I’m Morgan, and I’m passionate about food. And family. And friends. And fitness. And my faith.
Raising & Fig is where they all come together.
I love reading about food, discovering new foods, preparing food, and most of all… sharing food.
When I think back on memorable meals, almost always, they weren’t memorable for the food alone (although fabulous food IS a requirement). The most memorable meals are those which were prepared by or shared with people I love.
I also believe that our bodies and our health are a gift from God and we need to take good care of what we’ve been given. So I focus on healthier options whenever possible.
Like most, I should work out more, eat even healthier and be better about growing in my faith. But at least I’m trying — and this blog is my own little documentation of that journey.
P.S. If you’re interested in what else someone with (undiagnosed) adult ADD does in her spare time, check out my professional website.