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Let the cleanse begin!

cleansing broth ingredients

We’ve put it off as long as we could… that post-holidays, post-vacation resolution to shock the system back to healthier habits.

Last year, Husband and I did the 2-week, Bon Appetit Food Lovers’ Cleanse.  It was great — a LOT of work, but we found some new favorite dishes, which we continue to make.  We were never hungry – much to our surprise.

This year, we’re trying the Whole Living Action Plan, a 3-week program that detoxes your organs, by eliminating all the naughty stuff (dang!) and starting with a simple base of lentils, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds.  If we survive that, we get to add in fish and gluten-free grains.

Let me say right up front, there WILL be some modifications to this plan… Continue Reading →